Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring time is coming and people's thoughts turn to remodeling now that taxes almost done! What makes good use of a tax refund but updating and revamping your home?

Simple things could be a fresh coat of paint - interior or exterior. One of the funny things that happen is that once you paint - then the old sofa looks worse, or the dining room table looks bad.

One show from HGTV called Sensible Chic used magazine photos and recreated a room for much less than the photographed room. Look through many design mags until you find something you like and begin to redecorate with that in mind. I had a page clipped out from a magazine that feautured fairly bright colors. I was lucky enough to find a great comforter at the Hilo Farmer's Market for $125 for a king size bed. I recreated the curtains with a find from Ross'. I added bits and pieces from around my house - stealing this and that out of other rooms until I got the look I wanted. It does not look exactly like the room in the magazine - I incorporated my treasures into it but it gave me a jumping off point. Once I had the ground work (the lively comforter) - I could go from there. The whole room make over for me ran less than $250. It can for you too!

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