Wednesday, March 18, 2009

But it can't be a DROUGHT?

Here in Puna, we get lots and lots of rain so when we do have a drought for 6-8 weeks, it wrecks havoc on our landscaping and gardens. One of the ways to help solve this problem is to hang a rain chain from the roof and catch rain water for drought periods. One inch of rain = 623 gallons.

The general ingredients are a long enough chain to go from the roof to the near the ground, a bucket, pot, or any container with a wide top that will hold water. If you are already using catchment for household water, find an area where the water is running off the roof and not into a drain to the catchment. Hook the chain just below the roof line and drop it into the bucket or pot. That's it! It can be simple or elaborate like these rain chains

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