Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Solar Updates 9-15-09

As of July 2008, all new homes with permits pulled after July 1, 2008 must have solar hot water heating. Besides being greener construction (less energy usage), it also ends up being cost effective in the longer run. I have heard quotes of payback in 7-10 years. Judging by my electric bill, it may be a lot less than that! As fuel cost edge up again, if the KWH costs goes way up again like it did last summer – up over 42 cents a KWH – it will really speed up the payback. If you go to Hawaii Energy Future, there is overwhelming information on the solar credits available. A tip – you must call or email them for the list of names of approved plumbing contractors for the credits. You cannot get the credits unless you use an approved contractor. Credits expire at the end of the 2009.

Coming soon – Info on HPM about a new product that is applied onto tin roofing to use solar to produce electrical energy for home use!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Cooking and Construction - Part 1 of a Series 9-14-09

So you have decided to build your dream home! In addition, because you are a foodie, your kitchen is going to be top notch and the best layed out room in the whole house. Cooking and construction go together more often than you think and I am not just talking about feeding your carpenters’ pupus on Friday afternoon while building the house!

You have all your cookbooks. You are excited about in a few months trying out your carefully culled recipes and maybe even thinking of your guest list for that first fabulous dinner party at your new home or even your remodeled new kitchen!

STOP. What are you cooking on? Oh, you are sure you are a gas cook top person. No doubt about it! Okay! Let me suggest a few things while your plumber and electrician are submitting their bids!

Plan for dual fuel behind your stove. You are already picking out the perfect stove and cannot wait for it to be delivered and cook that first meal on it! The specs have the quantity of BTU’s needed. (The British thermal unit (BTU or Btu) is a traditional unit of energy. It is approximately the amount of energy needed to heat one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit.) Save that number. Now go on to the more mundane items – your dryer if gas, your water heater, whatever else is going to be gas! Do not forget to include the gas grill or BBQ you will be adding to your outdoor kitchen. Here we say BBQ, or if you are from the south, it is a grill (BBQ is a whole other thing in the south!)

Take all those numbers and now get your plumber to put in a line that will support the maximum number of BTU’s in relation to the farthest distance that gas will be traveling. Do not skimp. Typically at 80’, you will need a 1” ID line (not ID like your driver’s license – ID means inside diameter as opposed to OD or outside diameter. This can make a big difference in sizing but that is a whole other subject!)

Think of Christmas Eve – you are getting ready for a party – will all 4 burners on, and guests are using all 3 bathrooms to shower, and you decide to quick get those extra cloth napkins dried you left in the washer so you have enough…. In addition, your significant other is throwing the veggies on the outdoor grill. WHEW! It may not happen often that you max out but it is like insurance – what will you do if it is not there when you do need it? Hand your guests drink and tell them it is Puna no need shower. Use dirty dishtowels to dry the last four wineglasses that you need for the table? On the other hand, simmer that item that was supposed to be seared?

There are a number of good places on the internet to get the calculations but working with your plumber –do not let them say, “This is good enough”. The overall cost of a bigger line is so small that it makes no sense not to do the right thing.

This goes for the dual fuel – many times a gas cook top will come with an electric oven. You do not want to have to retrofit your kitchen for about $20 worth of planning.

Happy Cooking!

(to be published at LetseatHawaii.com a new foodie ezine specifically for Hawaii! )
